
Sub Sea Systems — Our World is a blog dedicated to the unique experiences of Sub Sea Systems — Immerse yourself in our incredible adventures, company culture, and innovative programs and products.

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Thursday, August 31, 2017

Trash Free Seas- Fighting to Make Our Oceans Clean

Trash Free Seas- Fighting to Make Our Oceans Clean A healthy ocean means clean, beautiful coasts for vacationers. If the ocean isn’t healthy, neither are we. The food we eat, the water we drink and the air we breathe all come from our waterways. Our oceans provide us with one sixth of the animal protein we eat, and give us half of our oxygen! Our Oceans Are in Danger Unfortunately, the world’s most precious resources are threatened by the very humans who rely on them for survival. Toxic...
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Thursday, August 24, 2017

Sailing Through the Language Barrier on Your Next Cruise

It’s so exciting to head to a brand new vacation destination. Exploring new territory and making new friends across the globe often builds the best memories! However, heading into a cruise port where the language is unfamiliar can seem daunting. How will you communicate if you don’t know how to ask for even basic necessities? Check out a few common phrases, and get some helpful suggestions on how you will be able to “talk the talk” and feel like a local! Cruisers headed to Spanish-speaking...
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Thursday, August 17, 2017

Marvelous, Magical Manatees!

If you’ve ever cruised along the coast of Florida, you may have encountered a gentle giant. The Florida manatee, the official marine mammal of the state of Florida, is a large aquatic relative of the elephant and is found in freshwater rivers, estuaries, and coastal waters. The Florida manatee is a subspecies of the West Indian manatee. They are grayish brown in color and have thick, wrinkled skin, much like their dry land cousins. Their front flippers help them steer, or sometimes crawl, through...
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Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Part 2, Get to Know Sub Sea Staff!

Operating and managing an international company is not an easy feat– from time zone differences to language barriers and distinct cultural customs, international business requires a global team with a diverse skill set. At Sub Sea Systems, we’re extremely fortunate to work with exceptional regional managers who oversee our widespread network of operators and seek out new business opportunities. Javier “Javi” Fortunato is the Regional Coordinator for the Riviera Maya and Cabo San Lucas, Mexico,...
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Thursday, August 3, 2017

A Different Kind of “Human Resources”

Visit Sub Sea’s Corporate Office, and you’ll likely be greeted with a wag of a tail and a sniff or two. That’s because SSS office staff includes furry companions who make our work environment far more interesting and definitely less stressful. Meet our canine colleagues, Oliver, Cali and Gunner! Oliver (Oli) is a cockapoo, but in spite of his small stature, is a force to be reckoned with. Smart and sassy, and about as cute as it gets, Oli struts around the office as if he owns the place....
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