
Sub Sea Systems — Our World is a blog dedicated to the unique experiences of Sub Sea Systems — Immerse yourself in our incredible adventures, company culture, and innovative programs and products.

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Thursday, June 29, 2017

A Bucket List Check Mark √

Carl and Jason from OdySea Introduce Fred to SeaTREK Here at Sub Sea Systems, we are often overwhelmed by the amazing reviews we receive about our Sea TREK and Clear Lounge adventures. We know our excursions are fun and offer great memories, but the outpouring of “thumbs up” reviews on sites like is always a bit humbling! Sometimes we are excited by a review or comments we see on social media, but recently, we received a review that blew us away.  Lori and Fred Ginsberg...
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Thursday, June 22, 2017

Solar in the Spotlight – Boating with Sun Power

In recent years, terms like "going green" and "eco-friendly" have become more than just buzz words on talk shows, commercials and product packaging. From personal care items to energy-saving appliances, we are surrounded by options that help consumers not only save the Earth, but also save money. When it comes to environmentally friendly options, solar power is at the forefront. It’s no longer uncommon to see solar panels on roofs of neighboring homes or even large businesses. Solar power...
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Thursday, June 15, 2017

Happy Father's Day!

We’re celebrating Father’s Day by honoring the newest Dad in the Sub Sea System's family, Kyle Mayfield. Kyle and his wife, Veronica welcomed Wyatt Mayfield on January 27th. We asked Kyle some questions about his new role as Dad to Wyatt! How did you find out you were going to be a Dad? I had been away on business in Mexico, and I remember Vern giving me a piece of paper from a recent doctor's visit. It took me a sec to realize what I was looking at, and then it finally hit. It was a pretty...
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Thursday, June 8, 2017

Celebrating National Aquarium Month!

June is National Aquarium Month, and Sub Sea Systems is celebrating by featuring our aquarium partners and their unique conservation efforts. Aquariums provide family fun, education, and interactions with sea life (including Sea TREKking!), but it may come as a surprise that aquariums are frequently involved in conservation and sea life rescue missions.  Here are a few of our partner aquariums and the special efforts they are making to keep our planet blue! Sea Life Park,...
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Thursday, June 1, 2017

PART 3: Tips & Tricks for Travel Savings- Money Saving Travel Apps

When you're traveling, your best resource can be your phone, and having helpful apps that that can assist you with everything from navigation to translating can save you a lot of heartache. There are many travel apps to sort through, but some are definite money savers! Take a peek through these options, and see which apps you might want to use to save cash on your next vacation. GasBuddy-Your Gas-Saving Friend This app is one of the best for saving money on road trips. GasBuddy locates...
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