
Sub Sea Systems — Our World is a blog dedicated to the unique experiences of Sub Sea Systems — Immerse yourself in our incredible adventures, company culture, and innovative programs and products.

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Wednesday, October 29, 2014

A Halloween Treat — Creepy Creatures of the Sea

This Halloween Sub Sea Systems is sharing a special treat… or is it a trick? We are revealing some interesting facts about our favorite creepy creatures of the sea. What is Halloween without a little tremor of fear? Read on for creepy chills and thrills as you learn about five horror story stars of the deep. The Portuguese Man-of-War The Portuguese man-of-war may look like a colorful, beautiful jellyfish, but it is actually a colony of tiny polyp like creatures that take on different functions...
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Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Sea TREK Helmet Diving Jokes

This week we want to treat you with some great Sea TREK jokes! Pin, Share, Like, and enjoy these silly Sea TREK cartoons! ...
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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

SSS Attends the 21st Annual FCCA

The cruise industry projects that 21.7 million passengers will cruise globally in 2014; 11.9 million of those passengers will be from North America. The Caribbean ranks as the number one cruise destination, accounting for 37.3% capacity share in 2014. Sub Sea Systems is proud to offer its Sea TREK and FunCat shore excursions at cruise ship destinations throughout the Caribbean. Along with our licensees, SSS is a member of the Florida-Caribbean Cruise Association, and we represent our products every...
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Friday, October 10, 2014

5 ways to Sea TREK

With nearly 50 operating sites, Sea TREK is growing and expanding to new markets all over the world. Each of our locations offer a unique experience; whether it is the flora and fauna that is native to the region, the unique design of an aquarium site or the interactions offered — SeaTREK has a wide variety of experiences that men, women and children ages 8 and up can enjoy! We want to offer a guide to our Sea TREK experiences including: the 5 different ways to Sea TREK, and highlights of a few...
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Friday, October 3, 2014

Introducing Clear Lounge™ — An Underwater Oxygen Bar

"The hottest trend, right now in entertainment, is experiences." —Mark Cuban Sub Sea Systems is proud to present our newest product innovation clear lounge™. clear lounge is an exceptionally innovative underwater oxygen bar (Patent Pending) that invites guests to enter a high-tech underwater environment wearing a clear SeaTREK® helmet. During the experience guests receive a combination of rejuvenating and invigorating enriched oxygen along with naturally derived, therapeutic and aromatic...
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