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Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Play Underwater at Clear Lounge Cozumel

Clear Lounge Cozumel is a place where Cozumel vacationers and locals alike can enjoy a unique opportunity to play underwater! Whether its shooting bubble guns or writing messages to friends “on the outside”, guests have given rave reviews to Clear Lounge Cozumel. In fact, CLC is one of the top-rated Cozumel activities on TripAdvisor! For two years in a row, Clear Lounge Cozumel has been honored to receive the TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence. In fact, CLC is rated five stars out of five,...
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Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Take a Journey With...

Sea TREK is an amazing underwater experience. While donning a helmet, participants submerge in an aquarium tank or walk on the bottom of the ocean floor, and observe breathtaking scenery and amazing wildlife. Many Sea TREK helmet dive locations offer the opportunity to have your photo taken during this unique journey. Utilizing their unique talents and skills, photographers click away and take once in a lifetime shots, so that guests can share their stories with friends and family, and take...
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Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Part 6: Tips & Tricks for Travel Savings

For many of us, summertime means family fun! A break from school, enjoying outdoor activities, and spending time together means building memories that can last a lifetime. When it comes to exciting travel destinations, theme parks are often at the top of the list. What kid (or kid at heart) wouldn’t want to dance with a famous mouse or take a wild ride on a crazy coaster? But visiting theme parks can really break the bank if you’re not aware of the added costs once you’ve passed the...
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Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Super Spectacular Sea Sponges!

What living organism has no head, eyes, brain, arms, legs, ears, muscles, or organs? It’s the super spectacular sea sponge! Sea sponges are very basic and primordial animals. They can be soft or hard, harmless or poisonous. They've lived on earth for around 500 million years and are frequently found hanging out in coral reefs. There are over 5,000 species of sponges living in the marine environment, and they are even found in freshwater lakes and rivers! For centuries, scientists debated...
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