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Friday, February 24, 2017

Ernie, the Bubble Eating Sea Turtle

For four years, visitors to SEA LIFE Manchester in the United Kingdom have enjoyed a variety of aquatic experiences, including the awesome opportunity to feed its resident, Ernie, the giant green sea turtle. Ernie, who was rescued from a turtle farm in The Caymans, is a favorite among visitors and Aquarists-to-be. The celebrity turtle happily takes advantage of the many daily handouts from his adoring fans as they learn about his diet and habitat. In fact, SEA LIFE handlers had to start...
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Friday, February 17, 2017

How to Check Items off of your Bucket List — A Guide to Achieving your Bucket List Goals

Do you have a bucket list? If not we suggest you check out this blog and create your own Pinterest board right now! Once you have a list you can break it into categories. Usually there will be personal achievements (education, health, new skills, physical ability), daring feats (skydiving, hang-gliding, shark cage diving), spiritual growth (pay it forward, charity, meditation) and, of course, TRAVEL! Travel is the focus of this bucket list guide. Travel has many sub-categories. You may...
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Monday, February 6, 2017

Ocean St. Valentine's Day ecards

Valentine's Day is a day to celebrate our loved ones and tell them how much we love and appreciate them. Cards are the traditional memento, but ecards are the fastest way to deliver a sweet little surprise to your Valentine. We have created a few ocean themed Valentines for you to share. You can save an image and send it to anyone who would appreciate a little ocean humor and a little love. Happy Valentine's Day! ...
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Friday, February 3, 2017

A Nautical Baby Shower

Kyle Mayfield and his wife Veronica brought a new baby Mayfield into the world on January 27th. In expectation of baby Mayfield’s arrival a baby shower was arranged with the utmost care and creativity, and what better theme for a Sub Sea baby than — you guessed it: the ocean. A baby on the way is always anticipated with excitement and curiosity. Will the baby be dark haired or bald? Blue eyed or brown? Big? Small? Most parents now know way before the baby is born what its gender will be,...
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