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Monday, February 24, 2014

Sea TREK Helmet Diving — A Brief History Infographic

This historical information is credited to Dive Training Magazine, Alex Brylske, and Diving Heritage. This is a very brief history of shallow water helmet diving. There are countless other stories and innovations along the way. For more information please refer to our sources. There are some pretty amazing stori...
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Monday, February 17, 2014

Fun! Bucket List Survey

What is a bucket list? This is a question we have been pondering lately. Recently Lesley Carter wrote a Blog about her experience at Sea TREK with Sharks in Atlantis Paradise Island Bahamas. Her blog is called bucket list publications and she is a travel writer who experiences many ‘bucket list’ activities and regales her adventures to her large group of followers. This bucket list check off — for Lesley — was very scary because she did SeaTREK with sharks. Imagine coming face to face with...
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Monday, February 10, 2014

Take your love deeper!

Are you planning a romantic date for Valentine’s Day?  Make this Valentine’s date one your loved one will NEVER forget! A romantic candlelit dinner, a bouquet of roses, and a box of chocolates are the go-to gifts for any hopeless romantic. Imagining stars in his or her eyes, as you hold hands over lobster, seems like the by the books plan for this special holiday. BUT, what if the stars you see in his or her eyes are the reflections of starfish? What if this year you took the love of your...
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Monday, February 3, 2014

Love Stories and Romantic Proposal concepts in honor of Valentine's Day

To get you in the mood for Valentine’s Day — which is just around the corner, FYI — Sub Sea Systems is sharing some incredible stories, romantic concepts, and a variety of unique products that can make any proposal extraordinary. Sea TREK helmet diving programs —worldwide— have had the pleasure of being involved in some spectacular proposals. In 2013, happily in-love couple Denise and Brad attended Coral Con and decided to visit Discovery Cove Orlando. Brad arranged for...
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