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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

FunCat Electric Catamarans — Enjoy the view through your toes!

FunCat® electric catamarans are called FunCats for a reason. They are endless FUN! The chaise lounge style seat, cool control system, and silent, battery powered motors offer a truly unique way to cruise the water with your friends and family. Side-by-side seating allows for conversation and cuddling, while durable construction and stability enable you to dive off for a swim and easily climb back aboard. If you are looking for a spectacular gift the whole family can enjoy, a FunCat Electric Catamaran...
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Monday, November 11, 2013

Top 10 Must-Do Water Activities

1. Sea TREK® in the open ocean: Oceans cover 71% of Earth’s surface and contain 97% of the planet’s water… However, more than 95% of the underwater world remains unexplored. Sea TREK enables guests to actually walk underwater in this incredible, mysterious world. Guests need no certification or previous experience, and it’s really just as simple as walking and breathing. The experience is otherworldly, and comparable to what an astronaut must feel like on the moon. Take a TREK and you’ll join...
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Monday, November 4, 2013

An Introduction to Sub Sea Systems®

With friends that look like Nemo and Flounder, who wouldn’t want to share the cute little fellas with the world above? It seemed like the only logical thing to do for Sub Sea Systems’ co-founder, Jim Mayfield. He has evolved his passion for the underwater world into a business that incorporates a variety of innovative recreational products and touring activities, as well as an active conservation program. In 1985, after a couple years in college and an apprenticeship with his inventor...
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