
Sub Sea Systems — Our World is a blog dedicated to the unique experiences of Sub Sea Systems — Immerse yourself in our incredible adventures, company culture, and innovative programs and products.

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Thursday, March 5, 2020

A Day in the Life of a Sea TREK Guide

Have you ever considered working as a Sea TREK Guide, or wondered what the work involves? Here’s a peek at a Guide’s typical day, and what they experience on the job! The first thing Guides do when they arrive on site is to set up the operation, which includes checking the water and trail conditions, and inspecting the equipment for the day to ensure everything is ready for guests. Guides receive an anticipated guestlist for each day so that they know what equipment will be needed to run...
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Thursday, February 20, 2020

Operator of the Decade, Xcaret Park!

A lot can happen in a decade. From debates over dress colors to the “Ice Bucket Challenge”, the last ten years have been a whirlwind! In the travel industry, we saw some exciting changes and challenges, like the explosion of Airbnb and the growing desire for travelers to experience eco-friendly destinations. For Sub Sea Systems, the last decade has been a busy and exciting one. With the creation of new products like Aquaticar, DIVR+ virtual reality snorkeling and SolarCat, and the addition of...
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Friday, February 7, 2020

2019 Operator of the Year- De Palm Tours, Aruba!

Congratulations to De Palm Tours, the recipient of the 2019 Sea TREK Operator of the Year Award! Out of 54 Sea TREK locations worldwide, De Palm received the highest marks in overall staff professionalism, marketing, online presence, conservation, community outreach, communication and commitment to the Sea TREK program. This is De Palm's second time winning the Operator of the Year award– the team previously received the award in 2013. This is Sub Sea Systems' first time recognizing a previous...
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Thursday, January 23, 2020

A Local's Travel Guide to St. Lucia!

My name is Levi Leonce. I’m from a small island in the Caribbean called St. Lucia and it is simply beautiful! I’ve lived on this picturesque island for almost my entire life. Currently, I’m in the U.S. pursuing my bachelor’s degree and have spent several weeks as an intern for Sub Sea Systems. As a guest writer for this week’s blog, I’d like to share with you my travel guide to St. Lucia. Fourteen degrees north and sixty degrees west, you'll find our little paradise. With only 238 square...
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Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Our (Exciting) Year in Numbers!

2019 was a VERY big year for Sub Sea Systems, loaded with fun and innovation! From exciting new products to world firsts, participating in a massive coastal cleanup, amazing new team members and a couple of weddings…our SSS family has had a very busy year. We always recap our year by sharing a cute and clever infographic. This year, we’ve had so much “new and exciting” going on that we've decided to take a unique approach with sharing our year. We hope you enjoy the video below! As we...
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Thursday, January 2, 2020

Get to know Sea TREK’s Anthony Leonce!

This week, we’re excited to share a special interview conducted by our guest blogger, Sea TREK Guide and Sub Sea Systems intern, Levi Leonce. We asked Levi to interview his father, Anthony Leonce, the head of Sea TREK in St. Lucia and the manager of Sea Adventures, Inc. Anthony has been a member of the Sea TREK family for close to 7 years and his operation has won several awards. He is a well-respected member of the Sea TREK community and we’re excited for you to get to know him a little better. LEVI:...
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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Delphinus Takes the Prize

Each year, Reef Alliance (a conservation program sponsored by Sub Sea Systems) and its partners participate in the International Coastal Cleanup, a worldwide volunteer effort organized by the Ocean Conservancy. Founded in 2009, the Reef Alliance program promotes sustainable diving practices and environmental education. The program's mission is to educate, create awareness, and encourage proactive conservation efforts in local communities. Every year, the Sea TREK operator that best exemplifies...
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