
Sub Sea Systems — Our World is a blog dedicated to the unique experiences of Sub Sea Systems — Immerse yourself in our incredible adventures, company culture, and innovative programs and products.

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Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Keeping Up With Carl Hanson!

Director of Water Operations and Safety, Carl Hanson, travels all over the world representing Sub Sea Systems and Sea TREK helmet diving, offering our locations insight, assistance, and camaraderie! He returns to headquarters with stories and lessons to share. Here’s what Carl had to say about his latest trip to Sea TREK locations in Curacao and Aruba! Where did you go on your latest trip? Curacao and Aruba, Round 2! These locations were my first two international stops last year. Sea...
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Thursday, August 23, 2018

A Chance Meeting Leads to Underwater Adventure!

At Sub Sea Systems, we promote our Sea TREK underwater helmet diving eco-tours as a way for just about anyone to “Sea life like never before”. We’ve shown the magic of the underwater world to thousands of children, seniors, and families, for over thirty years! It is one of our goals to reach out to more and more sea explorer novices, knowing that when they take an incredible helmet dive, they will learn to love and appreciate…and hopefully help to protect our precious aquatic environment. The...
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Thursday, August 16, 2018

Responsible Tourism - Sea TREK Ecotours!

Now more than ever, awareness is building about the negative affects that humans can have on our oceans and waterways. With a focus primarily on plastics, companies and individuals are decreasing their carbon footprints by turning away from plastic straws and containers and increasing production of biodegradable and recyclable packaging. In the US, many states have enacted legislation regarding the use of plastic bags. Additionally, consumers are seeking out more sustainable seafood choices...
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Thursday, August 9, 2018

Preparation is Everything!

Each year, thousands of guests don helmets and take an underwater Sea TREK or enter the giant human fish tank known as Clear Lounge.  They meet new sea life friends like giant turtles and stunning stingrays, or play jenga and shoot bubble guns at fellow helmet divers. But what happens before participants enter the water?  Both Sea TREK and Clear Lounge have requirements that ensure your activity is not just memorable, but comfortable. While each location may have its own specific prerequisites,...
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Thursday, August 2, 2018

TREKker Trifecta!

The Sea TREK underwater helmet diving experience is enjoyed by travelers across the globe. In fact, with operations from Guam (Underwater World) to Spain (Sea TREK Spain and Diving Stones Benidorm) and new operations in Australia (Reef Magic) and the Dominican Republic (Viva Wyndham Dominicus Beach), more and more vacationers are able to take amazing underwater journeys. We receive wonderful feedback from our guests who often say, “we’ll be back” or “can’t wait to do another Sea TREK!”...
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