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Thursday, September 28, 2017

Travel Trends for the Next Decade, Part 2

Last week, we explored several unique travel trends that are emerging or continue to be pertinent in the travel industry. Click here to see what you missed– transformational travel, sustainable tourism and multigenerational vacations. This week, we’ll continue our exploration into unique travel trends… Extraordinary Cruising Cruise lines are getting creative as they target a new group of cruisers, known for their particular interests and expectations– millennials! One high-end cruise line,...
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Thursday, September 21, 2017

Travel Trends for the Next Decade, Part 1

Since the onset of the Internet, travel planning has changed drastically. Online resources offer travelers many opportunities to plan their own amazing experiences. Utilizing popular travel sites like and, travelers have the ability to not only book airfare and hotels at the best prices, they can also read reviews from fellow travelers and learn about out-of-the ordinary destinations. Travel advisers can easily learn about hot new properties, up-and-coming destinations...
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Thursday, September 14, 2017

Hurricane Saviors

Across the US and neighboring Caribbean islands, weather watchers have been glued to their televisions, newspapers, and the internet for updates on the wild and dangerous storms pelting streets and neighborhoods. Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, two of the strongest hurricanes on record, have caused extensive damage, temporary homelessness and even death. It’s difficult to view the images released across the media without feeling helpless… and perhaps a little hopeless. However, there are stories...
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Thursday, September 7, 2017

Common questions and misconceptions about the SeaTREK experience

SeaTREK is an amazing underwater adventure! Rated 5 stars on TripAdvisor for St. Maarten, Grand Cayman, and Lanzarote, Spain, SeaTREK helmet diving gives travelers the chance to walk underwater without any diving or swimming experience. It’s often rated a “bucket list” item for adventurers! From cruise ship passengers to aquarium visitors, SeaTREK is an attraction meant for just about everyone. In fact, since its inception in 1999, there have been nearly 3 million visitors to walk underwater...
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